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Lore Questions: January (2019)ish
Human Adaptability questions:

1) Is it possible for unlucky humans who become lost and strand in BDPs for way too long to receive a couple of unnatural mutations for environmental adaptability? (For a couple of examples: People who strand away in Desert Black Doors may have their blood become thicker, and skin much drier and solid, while people who strand in Whirlpools may have their skin tissue become more slick and adapted to wet environments akin to the texture of a soft marine creature, stranding in Crypts may make one become more pale and gain some resistance against turning into Undead, or just getting sick in general, Snake Caverns with toxins endurance, etc.)

2) How hard it is for a human to learn Common without a proper education and by just observing/listening the public populace in Sigrogana?

Eyes of Elimination questions:

(PS: I'm going to make a Wiki entry about it, so that is the reason I'm asking a lot.)

3) I came up (with a new recipeh) a custom name for Eyes of Elimination. Could it be canon if we all agreed to call it 'Nozokugan', or 'Nozoku no Magan'? (Mainly stands for something like "Eyes of Removal" or "Arcane Eyes of Exclusion" from weebland.)

4) Any specific reasons random people suddenly started seeing weird things? Or was this always a problem since before the war of gods?

5) What is the estimated probability a person can perceive whatever these 'lines' are in the world of Sigrogana? Is this common or rare, lore wise?

6) Is it accurate that people who bear the Eyes of Elimination are supposed to be quite unhealthy, sickly and physically vulnerable due to how strong they are compared to the wielder?

7) Are the Eyes of Elimination treated like an incurable eye disease by the world's medicine?

8) Are they always active and you're seeing lines every time, like Shiki Tohno, or do you need to focus on these lines for them to activate, like Shiki Ryougi? (Or is it optional and no line perception is similar to another?)

8-b) Using the Eyes of Elimination lower your lifespan after each use, or just damage your brain? (Or is it optional? Mostly due to how Tohno's eyes fry up his brain, while Ryougi's their usage is but a mere small nuisance.)

9) Why these lines make it so easy to slash through things? What are them, exactly?

10) In that case, does that mean non-monster/non-boss races have some sort of Divine Protection against these lines, so it doesn't outright turn them into spare parts?

11) How are those weird lines named ICly?

12) Any specific reasons they can only be cut with short blades like daggers? (Do they move around? Are extremely thin? etc.)

13) Do they have ties to the day/night cycle? As in. Daytime makes it slightly harder to see them, while under the moonlight it makes it slightly easier.

14) Do the lines and the eyes have any relations to Iahsus?

15) Do they appear on intangible things like magic, Focus or spirits?

16) Is it possible to cut away at spirits to forcefully exorcise them, regardless of their spiritual power?

17) Can you cut abstract things like stamina, diseases or curses?

18) Are there any NPCs in Sigrogana that can perceive the lines too?

19) Is it possible to eliminate Vampires permanently with the lines? As in, bypass their Misting process.

20) Is it true that delimbing targets with the lines makes it impossible for them to reattach said limb back, even with Mercana?

21) Is it true that delimbing vampires but allowing them to mist away, makes them unable to regrow said sliced-off limb when they reform?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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