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Too Gentle Torrent
I wanted to remove the CD myself but a few people seem to think it's too overpowered which I don't understand at all. There's currently skills that do more than this with no CD at all and COMPLETELY remove the status not even lower the duration, which is only 1 round per use and requires peculiar setup. I also think it shouldn't break at the first enemy to give it some flavor instead of just being another version of Kel. This skill is very situational as in you can only abuse(? not with that CD) this in team battles and they HAVE to be lined up in a straight line, just how often does that occur in an actual team spar? Let's be real here. By yourself it's just another offensive spell with a big lack in the word offense. As for the scaling I have to disagree. It's ridiculous to have similar scaling to a base class skill when it's a promo class skill, which is why I suggested a small jump but if the cooldown is removed and some buffs occur then that's fine with me the scaling can stay.

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