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Look at me
To give openings to classes that need positionals to actually do something. (Rogue, GUI users. Possible future Dragoon class that he's planning to add.) As it was, people could just swap their direction nilly-willy whenever their turn was around. (The biggest example of this was when fighting against Void Assassins, who need to hit you from the back. People could put their backs against the battle border, attack you, and put their back against the border again.) I do support this change, as it was more a bug fix than anything.

A skill to change direction for 1M would also be pretty cool. Why? Because it costs momentum. What I reported above is what still allows you to change direction for no cost.

But let us not make discussions here. This is a bug report thread, so shoo to make a Balance-Fu thread instead, goon.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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