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The Great Lore Compendium Project
It's All About That Void, 'Bout That Void, No Safety.

I may have gone overboard. I also didn't quote everyone who made the questions because it'd look a little weird in my opinion, but here it is! All about the Void and its poisoning!

I do plan to do more of this as soon as I can. I don't just want to stop here (but y'all should help too).

[marquee]で わ、 いきましょう![/marquee]

COMPLETE. (3/4/2020)

In regards to this. How painful is void poisoning? Does it's effects manifest within a single night, or over long periods of time? Are there any notable signs that someone has it? If it is sort-of-like-radiation, does the person put off any signs that they have the illness? Once it reaches a critical state, is there anyway to bring the person out of it, or will they slowly wither away and die?
Neus Wrote:Imagine void poisoning as if your entire body had a toothache. The worse the void poisoning, the more throbbing the pain. At higher levels, the victim begins developing glowing blue lacerations on their body, which eventually become fatal. Once it reaches a critical state it is almost impossible to cure the condition. You might be able to weaken the effects, but you can never get rid of it currently. Those suffering from the beginning stages can be cured with proper Mercalan treatment and ceasing the use of unsafe teleportation (basically, anything that isn't Majistran qualifies as 'unsafe').
How accessible is Adena Mehana when it comes to crucial need for healing (see: Void Radiation, Void Lacerations, the Void in general; along with other fatal diseases as well, assuming Adena Mehana is able to heal to such an extent)?
Neus Wrote:Not very. Sometimes exceptions are made but not usually.
How does Void Poisoning affect Mechanations? Or is it the same as organic beings?

Neus Wrote:Void poisoning will destroy non-specially-made parts, and it can eventually cause the Llarian Scar to break. Though, Mechanations are fairly resistant to the effects.
7. Is void energy the same as darkness energy?
8. If yes to 7. would light energy be able to even slightly protect someone inside the void?

Neus Wrote:7. No.
8. No.
What about Void Poisoning?
Would it kill or 'kill' a vampire? Does it 'reset' if they 'die'?

Neus Wrote:Void Poison is a special case and vampires cannot avoid it or its effects through 'deaths'. If they suffer from Void Poisoning, they will suffer from it in the same way after reforming. If Void Poisoning gets bad enough, it is likely to cause chain deaths for a vampire, to where they will die, lose power, die again, and then just ash.
"A solid piece of the void itself." is the description of Void Shards, is this literal. If so, do they leak void radiation?
Neus Wrote:No, it's not literal. No, they don't leak any radiation.
What if a Lich were to put their phylactery somewhere in the god damn VOID?
Neus Wrote:They’d die.

What are the effects of void poisoning, should one contract it, as a Lich?
Neus Wrote:Glowing blue lacerations along the vessel's body that appear as soon as the Lich is 'attached'. Portions of the arcane energy of the Lich may become discolored as well.
Was the Void always uninhabitable and deadly even before the Gods left it?
Neus Wrote:No one knows.
Are portals to The Void strictly two-way, or can they be one way only? By this I mean, if someone creates portal / voidgate A, does a portal / voidgate B always exist (like an exit) when it is created?
Neus Wrote:Portals are two-way for as long as they exist, much like a tunnel.
1. Can you give us a general depiction of how Stage One Void Poisoning would look like? Marginally, how would the scarring look like and does this depend on the body part it plagues?
2. What about the other stages? How many 'stages' are there, or is it just from Stage One to Stage Two and thus terminal?

Neus Wrote:1) It would look like neon-blue/purple lines resembling cracks along the affected area.
2) The lines would get progressively larger as it increases in deadliness. If a part of the body gets separated by thick enough lines, it falls off and vanishes. Eventually this happens to the individual's entire body. Parts that fall off in this manner cannot be regenerated, even if you're a vampire.
1) My question is, how does the return of the symptoms work? Does the poisoning "return" at the same speed, or is it faster due to previous contamination? Would the poisoning simply jumpstart ahead to it's "old" progression, or start over completely? Could a person who occasionally reaches for the Void Magic as a last resort, but rarely uses it normally, manage to "safely" use it "long term" by repeatedly getting cured at stage one, due to using it incredibly sparingly, hence a long "cooldown" period between exposure? (I guess an example would be not typically having VA set but reaching for the voidgates in desperation to escape via RP, or to stick VA on for a "hopeless" battle in PVP that is ICly onesided, while not usually using the class.)

2) As well, last month you mentioned the visual effects of the poison. If cured, would any effects remain? A diminished tint of the old markings, perhaps? Or perhaps their health never quite being the same again? If cured a second time, would these residual effects compound and/or multiply in appearance/effect?

3) What are the Voidgate's practical limits? Is Line of Sight required? Can you drop a voidgate beyond an obstacle to appear behind it? (Examples: Infiltrating/ Escaping a house/ fortress/etc.) Can a gate be created in a dense space, and if so, what happens to whatever is in that space, or whoever attempts to use the portal? (Example: If a gate were unknowingly made inside a statue, would the statue's interior collapse into the Void, or would the person using the gate be instantly crushed upon exit due to lack of space?)

4) Under what circumstances can void abilities be forcibly limited? Obviously silence works for Black Bolt due to it being a spell, but what about Voidgate itself? I believe it counts as a skill, but I'm also sure the prisons have ways to prohibit escape via Voidgate as well.

5) Do Voidveil and related (Absorb, Off, etc) skills, as well as Black Bolt, lead to Void Poisoning as well? Or only teleportation like Blink/Voidgate?

Neus Wrote:1) It's pretty unpredictable, because Void magic is chaotic by nature. Its effects on you are somewhat random for that reason. What may have put you in the 'safe' zone at one point may put you over the edge another time.

2) There would probably be some skin scaring, but it depends.

3) You need a line of sight, yes. For example, you cannot teleport to a Voidgate you cannot see in the Castle dungeon battles with the opaque pillar in the middle. You don't need to be able to see it clearly, but you need a precise read and there's not much room for error. You can't put a Voidgate into a dense object, and if a dense object were put in front of a Voidgate, it would inhibit its ability to act as a portal.

4) You can interfere with the stability of portals in a manner of ways, two of the known ones being sound and Iahsus. Sound can, depending on the frequency/etc, slow portal generation or cause it to fail entirely. Iahsus itself can also play a part in the stability of portals if it's overly active. If you have a prisoner you know is capable of using Voidgates and such, you can usually prevent them from using it to escape by blindfolding them. You can also put them in a closed chamber with no windows. Those are two very lowtech solutions.

5) It can but it's very low risk compared to using unsafe teleporting. You're still handling hazardous materials, but you aren't walking through a room full of them briefly, for example.
-What is exactly the 'Void Pollution' from Black Bolt? (Void substance? Dirt from it's ground?) Does it degrade the environment permanently?
Neus Wrote:It's mainly scattered remnants of void energy. It disappears naturally after it absorbs enough focus.
How does lichdom effect void poisoning prior to the person going lich? Assuming the ritual is a success.
Neus Wrote:I'll assume you mean does lichdom at all affect void poisoning that exists before turning into a lich. I might have answered this before but I believe when you turn into a lich, void poisoning is "cured" since you change bodies, but it makes surviving the lich ritual much more difficult.
What is the spacial nature of the Void? Meaning, if one were to push a sealed container into the Void, would the Void permeate the object even if it was some how 'void proof' or 'void resistant'? Or does the Void behave like it has at least one higher dimension of movement to go through, meaning it can go around an object's casing to seep in despite it being sealed in three dimensions.

In case I'm not clear enough, a cube in 4D space has open holes, because it is missing 4D sides. Same way a square is not a container in 3D space.

Neus Wrote:The void is still a 3D space, but the nature of actual void energy is unclear. Not that it matters because nothing is void-proof.
Does cancer exist? Can you have both cancer and void poisoning?
Neus Wrote:No.
When it comes to Void Poisoning affecting a person, if that person or thing has substantial dark resistance, would the effect be lessened? Is Void magic something far more sinister than just Dark magic, or separate altogether?
Neus Wrote:Dark resistance has little to no bearing on void poisoning's severity.
It is said that Void Assassins who are reckless with the usage of Void can end up contracting Void Poisoning. How can a Void Assassin specialized in casting the Void Arts ward off the effects for a better use of the magic without instant or early drawbacks?

Nullstone accessories? Specific arcane wards or clothing? The Voidveil itself offers protection?

Neus Wrote:Don't use it too often is about the only way. Void energy is dangerous. It's like playing with fire. In moderation, it's easy to control, but if the 'flame' gets too big, it'll start burning your hands.
Not sure if this one was answered before, but if you die in the void/from void poisoning, do you still go to Lazarus?
Neus Wrote:Yes
1) When someone is inflicted by void poisoning, and dies due to it, do they have a soul that is directed to Lazarus, or is their fate just an empty nothingness? Do souls die / cease to exist with the body under the effects of void poisoning?

2) When you're affected by void poisoning with no hope left, when Mercala cannot help you anymore, does transforming to a Lich give you a second chance? Does becoming a vampire? Does becoming any specific type of corruption?

3) If you kill yourself, or are killed while affected by void poisoning, if the cause of death is not the poisoning, (assuming the answer to the previous question is you lose your soul / spirit to the void) does your spirit live on forever? Does it just cease to exist straight away, if not, or can a spirit still continue through the stages of void poisoning when it's deceased?

4) Can you get void poisoning from Majistra? (I know it would be super duper rare if so, but I mean "is the chance of it happening above 0%, even if like 0.01% or something?&quotWink

5) Can you train to minimise the risks of void poisoning when using void magic, or is the chance one that never changes probability? If you can minimise the risks, how difficult is it, and how much of your life would you have to dedicate to doing so to get desirable results?

Neus Wrote:1)This has already been answered. They still go to Lazarus.
2) At that point your body is likely unable to survive through the Lich ritual, but if you did somehow, it would. Becoming a vampire wouldn't change anything. Corruption doesn't change anything.
3) N/A
4) It's not impossible but it is very, very unlikely. Typically when the portals get outside of the Majistran's expectations, due to Iahsus, they do not let people go through them for their own safety.
5) You can minimize the risks, but it's always there.

1- A lore blur says that "Unprotected use of the Void can cause Void Poisoning". Is there 'really' a method of using it safely, or is this only limited to Majistra's method?

2- Is Void Pollution a mess created only exclusively by Black Bolt, or can you ICly choose to generate it on will?

3- How long does Void Pollution take to naturally sap away the environment's focus and degrade?

4- Assuming Void Pollution a significant hazard, what happens when someone sticks around it for too long? Is it deadly?

5- Is Void Pollution strong enough to destroy the environment? Such as kill plants, poison water, etc...

6- Can you use Void Energy to enhance and power potions and make a more 'physical' version of Black Elixir?

7- Can a Void Magic specialist develop a way to slightly reduce the chances of contracting Void Poisoning with their Voidveil for a more constant usage of their magic?

8- Does Nullstone protection help on reducing the chances, if anything?

Neus Wrote:1) This is pretty much limited to the Majistra portals, but there are 'safer' methods; using stable portals (which are between two set points that cannot be changed, and requires a long time of preparation) for example.
2) It's caused by using the large amount of void energy recklessly.
3) Depends on the amount. Anywhere from a few seconds to an hour.
4) It might make them feel sick or weak, but it's not deadly on its own.
5) In large amounts it could sap the focus from a plant and drain it that way, though that's unlikely.
6) Void Energy is not something that wants to stick around in our dimension, so trying to use it on physical objects for more than a brief period doesn't work.
7) Yes. Voidveil is a much less risky way to utilize void energy than just trying to channel it.
8) It can.

I don't know if this is clarified anywhere since I haven't been able to find it, so I figure it's better to just ask here.

If you're using void magic (I.E detogate/rank 4 black bolt without the void pollution) in spars, can people say they got void poisoning from getting hit by that? Or is it something that requires permission from the void user?

I ask since there's been a few cases in the past (long ago) where people abruptly roleplay having void poisoning after getting hit by detogate/black bolt one time, and I think confirmation on that would be nice to have for future reference.

Chaos Wrote:Void Poisoning's thresholds are unpredictable, and it's possible that people can contract it in a short timeframe, but this requires buildup. They might also have a previous case of Void Poisoning, and their current state doesn't give much leeway with it.

However, if someone just contracts VP from one or two uses of Void Magic in a spar like that, i'd either question it or grab a GM.

....That being said, from an IC standpoint, it's difficult to imagine why you would use Void Magic in a spar, as that's something that always carries a lethal implication with it.

Since its brought up, is the actual user themselves anyhow protected from the poisoning itself more than the victim by being a skilled user? Or is it practicaly like playing with radioactive material with bare hands, it matters not who flung it, we all in for bad time?

Chaos Wrote:The user is more likely to take steps to protect themselves from it, but ultimately everyone is at risk when the Void is in play.

It hates absolutely everything and will utterly destroy everything at the first possible chance.

If you barrage them with enough potent blasts, unwilling trips and generally cause Void Pollution for long enough, you could ensure that an opponent walks away with Void Poisoning. Again, the threshold is unpredictable, so this could very well be outside of someone's reserves, and even whatever backups they have to keep their focus flowing.

On the other hand, doing -that- much is likely to inflict VP on the user as well, and if you're fighting where civilization can see it, they will almost certainly attempt to force you to stop. It's basically more of a 'mutually-assured destruction' deal, and if you're going for that, there's at least a few better ways to go about it.
Keep in mind that I'm talking about inflicting Stage 1 Void Poisoning here. Going further than -that- in one sitting is out of practically everyone's capabilities.

Not unless you're talking about something that's strong enough to flatten a High-Level PC, that is.
As for pushing someone from Stage 1 to Stage 2, that's more doable, though you're talking about a cornered fox scenario there.
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