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French pastry of death
Eclair Lacroix's scaling is far too high as it stands. It's become the immediate go to for every two handing (or even vent petale) duelist because it doesn't use your faith at all scaling wise just your SWA by 200% which is frankly overkill and way too high it's like looking at boxer's old scaling. Nerf the scaling by either lowering it to 160-170% SWA or make it include your faith/light atk. The damage received from this skill right now is somewhere in the 250-300+ bracket that is FAR too high for a skill that can be used across the map, does magical damage which we all know is the best to have in your skillpool, out-does evoker which is supposed to be the biggest magical buster class, and hasn't had it's CD implemented which I'm hoping is still 5 rounds. It's like Kadouha all over again.

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