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Equipment - Vanity System
Olroight, so, here is what I suggest

If it is not too hard, we could add somewhat of a vanity system to equipment. So far, the degree you are allowed to personalize your equipment is fairly limited, extending only to its name. However, this system could do the following.

- Allow you to change the display icon of your equipment with another of your choosing
This may and may not destroy the item being selected as the display icon.

- Allow you to change the equipment flavor text
Basically, add your own description to replace whatever stood there in the first place

- Allow the selection of vanity items to not only be limited to equipment, but other items
Think fish swords! Jammer bone spears! Log guns! There really are a lot of options.

This would allow players who do not want to use the plain talents more freedom to express their creativity! While those opposed, can simply remain using their talents and such. However, in order to stop potential misuse and deception, I also propose adding a "show original" button/prompt, so that the onlooker can see what item it actually is - should they, for whatever reason, find themselves in need to do so.

So yeah, feedback and such.

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