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Razor's Round of Suggestions
So, I see a bunch of people throwing their ideas in for traits and whatnot. I wanna do the same!

So, lets do this.

[Teamwork: Outflank]
When you AND an ally, who also has this trait, are on opposing sides of an enemy, you both gain +10 critical and +10 hit.
Edit: If two enemies are also on opposing sides of you, you are denied the bonus from this trait. Additionally,

Allows you to start a fight while juggling weapons. It uses the first weapon on your item belt, and reduces the momentum cost to swap to that weapon to 0. However, upon taking damage, you have a SKI/LUC-based chance to drop the additional weapon. You have to spent 3m to pick it back up from the tile it fell in.

[Eye In The Sky]
While airborne, you have better vision of your enemies, allowing you to relay critical information to your team. +15 hit for allies only.
Edit: However, your eyes have adjusted to spotting details from far away, up in the sky, making it harder for them to do the same for circumstances on the ground. -15 hit when attacking within 3 range.

If you make a melee attack while airborne and your target is not, you deal 1.10x damage. [Applies on Heaven's Kick]

[Near-Death Perception - Oracle only]
As a diviner of future events, your powers of seeing the unknown become more clear as you come closer towards death's door.
-2% of hit/dodge for every 10% of HP over 70%, but +2% of hit/dodge for every 10% under 70%.

[Gold Gambler - Redtail only]
You gain a skill called "Gold Coin". On heads, you gain 10% SWA. On tails, you lose 10% SWA. 5 turn CD.

[Black Gold Gambler - Redtail only]
You gain a skill called "Black Coin". You have to be within 5 tiles of your target. On heads, your target gains 10% SWA. On tails, your target loses 10% SWA. 5 turn CD.

[Big Gold Gambler - Redtail only]
Prerequisite: Gold Gambler
You gain a skill called "Big Coin". On heads, your team gains 10% SWA. On tails, your team loses 10% SWA.

[Big Black Gold Gambler - Redtail only]
Prerequisite: Black Gold Gambler
You gain a skill called "Big Black Coin". On heads, your team gains 10% SWA. On tails, your team loses 10% SWA.

[Dagger Toss]
You gain the ability to throw your dagger. The dagger has a SKI/LUC based chance to lodge itself in the enemy, becoming stuck and causing bleeding damage. The range of your dagger is scaled SKI/10, in a cardinal line. The dagger thrown cannot be used until retrieved. If it misses, you have to travel to the end tile to pick it up. If it's parried, then it will end up to the left or right tile of the enemy.

Prerequisite: Grapple skill
Requires a target to be grappled, and the target of the skill has to be under the grappled condition.
You begin to choke-out your grappled target, having a chance to inflict fear and silence on them.
Additionally, you deal damage equal to 100% of your scaled STR, plus 50% of your SWA if your weapon is a fist weapon.
While strangling, grapple becomes a 0M skill.

Prerequisite: Grapple skill
Requires a target to be grappled, and the target of the skill has to be under the grappled condition.
You slam your target to the ground, inflicting knockdown and dealing damage based on 75% scaled STR, 25% SWA and the battle weight of your target.

Another round will come, once I think of more stuff.
Edit: I made some changes.

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