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Boxer Buff when?
If you can fix Geist Schritt being the most annoying and table turning thing to fight against then you can buff its damage, but simply put Geist Schritt is way too oppressive currently, I've expressed this before in other threads as well.

I'd want Boxer to get a damage buff, but Geist Schritt weighs the class too much, here are the issues with Geist Schritt:

-It Negates an attack completely, letting you avoid damage, it may as well be a miss in terms of damage, it also consume's the skill's cooldown, increases momentum cost, FP etc.

-Its a movement skill on top of this, while not inherently bad it can carry you pretty far, this can likely remain however.

-Negating an attack completely also gives you momentum, setting your opponent as basically a momentum deficit for guessing the 50% game wrong, even worse is when you're a mage and you don't just HAVE easy access to basic attacks, often times Geist Schritt literally means you just get ignored completely because no one ever wants to deal with that, now that boxer has low damage that often can spell victory by making someone feel useless.

Removing the momentum gain from Geist Schritt is the first step, making it not completely negate an attack and provide a very heavy DR (maybe such as 75% like Stalemate) is another.

Another thing to state is that in the given example, anyone with blunt resistance and high physical resistance probably will always have the advantage against boxer, or similar MA classes, thats just a given.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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