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But the point I was kinda trying to get across is that if someone who only uses it like that without caring about the Ki drawback, this nerf won't affect them whatsoever. Like you said yourself, it's a strong skill on it own, with or without Ki. Example, I'm a Kensei/Monk, I don't really depend that much on the meme or Ki usage; it's all about Ki awoken for the bonus stats. If i can't hit someone with my basic attack and I myself don't care that much about Ki usage, nothing is really stopping me from spamming this strong technique (And Dragon Gale) nonetheless because I wouldn't care enough if it had Ki for the big blast or not; it's all about getting that autohit damage across. As it is now, it only gives them a reason to use it with Ki awoken on.
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
[Image: fa5d9fd2e3f77f27206bb134638b5f28.png]

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