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Reasons I use only 3 remains.
I would like to know why certain remains feel weaker then others and I dunno is this is a suggestion or a balance fu but it feels like it fits either., I.E Shark giving 6 power and 8 weight, vs Fireblooded gives 8 power, 8 weight, only difference being 2 power and the macabra being water (shark) and Earth (Fireblooded) . So could they be a chance for all remains but Dragon. I would like to state maybe Shark remains go to +6 power, +2 crit, +8 weight.

Accursed Remains - Macabre: Dark - +6 Crit, +8 weight vs Snakemen Remains - Macabre: Acid - +8 Crit, +8 weigh Same thing why not add to Accursed remains either +2 accuracy or +2 Power.

All I am saying if remains are either good or not as good, other then Macabra which I think other Two races can use so how about making all remains but DRAGON (Being the original) equal +8 total bonuses for +8 weight.

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