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GM Undersaturation
Well, the Grindy Goons sure were a one-time fun for GMs. But that was solved and is already past. An army of GMs would probably just be making the decision-making quite blotched and bureaucratic.

And I can bet people make half-assed events nowadays because of how people accept any change in their usual arena-cellsvich-bdp-blackbeasts-arena-repeat roundtrip pace. I don't really expect any big events happening anymore, until the community sits down and stops being so noxiously critic, 'tsundere' or OOCly toxic at the players who 'dare' to provide any sort of conflict, nowadays.

Or rather. More people stepping it up to make their own shit happen, instead of always going for 'Kunai', 'Fern', 'Kira', 'August', 'TRO', 'Shujin', 'Sarah'. It's always us. And always our events get accepted with a shank to the ribs because they're not perfect. Part of the opposition to them are either made of people who want utterly realistic and serious things, another wants something where they want their chars to ICly shine alone, another wants a hardcore challenging PvP scenario.

It's just impossible to please everyone with one strike, and more over when it's always the same people. No wonder it gets boring after what? 4 years straight? Oh wait, almost there. Cometh, 2019.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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