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I spy with my regular eye
Putting aside that I use archer, I enjoy being able to hit things with massive range in PVE cases, so I'd imagine that both PVE and PVP would be changed at the same time, thus allowing me not to warp through walls. Feelsbadman. Speaking of warping, how would this affect skills like blind/haunting, which presumably use the void to a small extent to pass through obstacles?

On the plus side, if this is able to be implemented... it would be fun. Though, some skills shouldn't be affected, like the Fairy's Lance, Needle, Etc. Especially on Smoke Screen. Though, Needle might break White Prison on one hit? Speaking of White Prison, does anyone know if it reacts to push movements? That's be important.

Lastly, skills like changing ranges such as Cyclone Spear and Crystal Rose are likely going to be harder to deal with, cause they would be reduced to a range inside the smoke screen. In addition, Crystal Rose would stop a few tiles away from a White Prison if I understand your suggestion correctly, due to not being able to go through the Prison Wall.

Overall, while this could be a fun idea, there's a lot... A LOT to consider.

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