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Sigrogana May Cry
"PinnyAerani" Wrote:Perhaps change how Snake Dancer works rather than outright gut an entire stance. If you have over 100% hit you should be able to hit them, yeah, but if you have, let's say, 80% chance to hit, you still have that 20% chance to miss, or proc cobra. Don't like it, move around to the side, behind, or do something beyond blindly charge straight at the enemy.

I might be misunderstanding your point, but currently if you have an 80% chance to hit, it isn't just 80%. You have an 80% chance to not be dodged the normal way, and then a further 80% chance to not be dodged by Cobra after 'hitting' them. That makes your hit chance only 64%, in essence, and you can miss while hitting. Spells and autohits only go through the Cobra check.

"PinnyAerani" Wrote:That's all I really wanna comment on, really, aside from Reaver scaling being buffed primarily because they weren't that great to begin with.

Agreed, I just think they were overbuffed. I'd like to see them put somewhere between where they were, and where they are.

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