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Lore Questions: June (2018)
More Mercala Lore.
  • Would you still consider Mercalan Hearts to be apart of lore, or no? [This is because the Guild leader had left SL2 for long time now.]

  • What is average training time length of a Priest? (How many years would a Priest trainee need to become a proper Priest?)

  • Would the Hierarchy ranks of Mercala faith be very similar to Christian religion [Like Bishop is higher than Priest, Cardinal is higher than Bishop?]

  • [Question to above] What would be highest rank a Player-Priest can go before needing to actually be acknowledged to have that said rank?

  • Were there any recorded Voices of Mercala, before Adena Mehana?

  • How old is Adena Mehana? [To confirm the Goddess is a loli meme is true or false.]

  • What is the Faith's view on Elves? [Distrust? Concerns? Bewilderment?]

  • If Mercana were intended to be healing, and restorative property. Yet Mercana can be used offensively. Is this in case of self-defense for priests? [To clarify. Mercana have offensive magic. What would be reason behind this?]
[Image: XDo90hy.png]

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