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Appeal S-S-Streak!
You're correct, I was purposefully trolling and being obstinate, which led to my ban. I apologize for doing so and for not fleshing that out completely in the original post. It wasn't right for me to do that because it caused unnecessary arguing and took away from the roleplay that had been going on at that time. If I'm unbanned, I will not try to PvP with people who are obviously actively roleplaying and I'll heed warnings from admins. All I'd like to do is play the game whenever my friends are playing it and leave everyone else be.

If you want to discuss this or anything else further, I'm still on discord at Egil#4706. Thank you for your time.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]

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