04-20-2018, 11:44 PM
"DoctorMad" Wrote:I will reference statistics again, but take note: I am doing so in a more direct way. Instead of just talking about a stat directly(as in Spoops last post), I will reference the stat it raises directly. In this case, CEL and Evasion. Now, the medbot, with its 61 CEL + 21 LCK, is at 141 Evade total, which, whoa there, sure sounds big. Players cap at 40+their stat base, so this is above the average, right?
Meanwhile players trying for the same amount of CEL(even after being destroyed by the scaled stat's nerf hammer) are mysteriously all at the 220-250~ evade range. Can someone explain this small discrepancy to me? I felt that, since bot stats are so big, they should be able to evade everything!
The response is that bots do not have passives that make up for the weakness of stats being alone. 70% damage reduction seems impressive? Players are able to hit that+flat damage reduction+crit evasion+A extra 1 or 2 10% damage reduction modifiers(multiplicative).
Note that I am not saying that bots should have all those things: I think they ought to be weaker than players. But as of now the gap is too far.
Oh by the way I took the freedom to pick up a example battle. This Gygax Rex is much weaker than the usual PvE event mob, but it will have to do. Witness, my turret bot's staggering 42 damage per turn against a boss creature that is a bit more challenging than usual.
Did I cherry pick that? No, not really. If I wanted to cherry pick, I'd bring my character to a GM event and talked about it. Except wait, that really isn't cherrypicking-- GM events are a part of the game and classes should be able to be helpful in them.
Anyways, Engineers are currently unable to participate in PvP content or more serious PvE content.
As a solution to this, I believe we have to give Robots passives as I mentioned. The active mentioned above also works.
So what are you saying, you want bots to be stronger than lvl 60 characters? Keep in mind that Players who achieve those numbers in the Evade stat are also accounting for LUC not just CEL, on top of that CEL is not only the evade stat but the initiative stat, the Medibot has high initiative, higher than most players infact meaning it can churn out its heals with the utmost priority when the next turn rolls around, especially if said Engineer has built to be slower than the rest of everyone else.
Thats why the Medibot has decent DEF and RES to begin with, its clearly not meant to dodge.
70% Damage reduction is huge, its bigger than what players get that don't spec entirely into their DEF stat more often than not, or even on par with that, and for something you can renew as well.
Engineer is not all that strong, but what I meant about destiny engineer surely wasn't a joke, it is the strongest class can be right now on its own, as a support class it is still powerful with the bombs and the upgrades.