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Why SL2 is a bad game in the long run and how to improve it IMO
I really do like the sounds of it, and I know I've already talked to you about it before but I might as well say it here.

RP Levels
What I had in mind for like a RP level system is something entirely different from the normal level system. So you can have a character at Level 60 combat, but with a RP level of 10. You can get RP levels by getting experience from RPing, and each time you do gain a level, you get a point that strictly benefits RP situations. This is the tricky part though, cause there currently isn't really anything that I can come to mind that would seem meaningful. But as an example: for real, just an example

RNG Dice Roll Perk:
Whenever you roll a dice, add +3 to the dice result.
crappy example, i know but you get the idea

I'll just put this one together because what I wanna talk about kinda goes hand and hand.

I feel like crafting is a waste of time since basically you can almost get every item with the exception of 10*s from every enemy in the game. Not to mention that certain items dropped by enemies come with curses that you can only get from enemy drops. Crafting right now is only useful if a player wanted a specific item and didn't currently have one on them from enemy drops. I feel like more drops being limited to certain enemies similar to how 10*s currently work.

As for jobs and crafting, I'll use a weapon as an example. As your Metalworking level (or Woodworking) increases, currently you only have a chance to get an item quality. I mean, that's great and all, but anyone can get their hands on item quality materials. To separate a weapon made by a talent blacksmith and a random drop, I feel like the crafted weapon should have an additional perk, or a Special Item Quality. For example:

Sharp Edge:
When basic attacking, weapon gains +1 Power and +3 Hit.
It's not an insane amount to throw balance off, but it's still a buff.

As your Crafting Level increases, the strength of the perk would increase or enable the chance to create an item with more than one Special Item Quality. This can also go hand and hand with RP Levels, so a RP level perk can give a Blacksmith a better chance to get a Special Item Quality.

Just a thought, but we definitely need to find a way to jobs in the game.

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