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Why SL2 is a bad game in the long run and how to improve it IMO
[Image: 45aqgOH.png]

You pressed SL2 Memes!
You felt disappointed, as there was nothing here.

You pressed an actual post!
Wait. Are you- Are you actually serious?
Fine. I'll go ahead, and state my stance..

How about we try solve it this way?
- Prevent active multi-keying then. Probably gonna incite a lot of rage, because people can't role-play more than one character at a time then.
- Disregard Roleplay levels. That's just gonna end up in e-peen contest, and we know it. [strike]There's already others that do that.[/strike]
- Grant the GMs MORE story-building powers. That is what they need. Additionally,
- Create a special role that Dev authorizes, known as Event makers, or event managers. Bunch of volunteers who enjoys writing up stories.
- Crafting is just really dead-end profession. It shouldn't be crafting items that YOU can find in the dungeons. Like, what's the point if a Player forged the Legendary Shining Sword. But then some idiot picked up a Shining sword from a dead Jammer? Sure. It's random generated, and you have better chance of getting the item you wanted. But Crafted items could, and should be stronger than weapons commonly found.

- My stance on job is positive. It would be nice to give people PvE incentive to grind for other means instead of having to farm dungeons, or having to constantly farm, or repair scars.

Now. Meaningful positions, and lack of "connection" to Main world that Dev is creating himself. I can understands that. But there's just how it is. It would be too much of a pain to abruptly removes the Main storyline just so Dev can focus on role-play aspect at large. The Main storyline was implemented there so that players could obtain few variant items, and alas also explores us more into current circumstances of the World.

Buut- Here's a thing.

I will never- And Jesus- I'll never actually trust a player to be a King. I'll never trust a player to be a literal King, Emperor, or something actually divine. It is too much of responsibilities for a player to be comprehending, and at all best - should just be NPC'd on. Only to be used at the staff's convenience. Players are often very weird, and derpy when it comes down to it at the core. Only at best, it just turns into some kind of incomprehensible horror of mess. At all cost, it's mainly for sake of sanity that players don't ever get role of actual rulers. Lords, sure. A guard captain- Sure. But there's just lines that need to be drawn.

I mean, I've seen people that can handle roleplaying a ruler well. But often more than not, it tend to be very stressful for them because everybody is trying to get their attention. Everybody is trying to do something, and well- it just get messy. I don't think players can survive being a Ruler

Additionally, there's just one point I wants to really really point out.
Arena combatants aren't needed just for some events. It's just that you have to be talking to GMs. The GMs will do events. They just need a certain group of people. Or a specific person. Or some kind of criteria. It doesn't matter WHO, and I mean WHOM the person-

Okay. Screw it. Lemme post this screenshot, so you get an idea.
[Image: ITaChJUaRbqw71aiOPgbDg.png]

You could talk to a GM about upcoming events if you're an Oracle. Could do that. I mean, it's stupid - but hey. There's one of the thing that you can do. It's just that you have to be talking to the GMs. They just need people to talk to them. GMs are people, but they are people that are willing to do events for you. They are willing to write a story, or help you write a story. They have tools that you don't have, but they are willing to use that tool to make your roleplay experience entertaining. The issues is, the people that left the game. They never knew of this. Additionally. . .

And I'll finish it off.

Peer pressure.
The community is to blame. It isn't Sigrogana Legend 2. We're not gonna fix the roleplay problems by just asking Dev to change how things work. It's the mentality of the community that is beholden. But this mentality is pretty ancient, and unfortunately not new. The players'll felt neglected, and leave the game because once they hit level 60, and they can't get anything feeling special about their characters. They'll just leave the game. When they try to be involved in some awesome story, but they never got to put in their own efforts, and are rather discarded because they're just complete strangers. They are not even given a hint of a chance to even get a chance to engage. And even then, they never get to. Then they starts listening to people to multi-key. Then start creating bunch of characters, and literally have no emotional attachments to them at all- because they don't bothers to try to even take an effort to do what they could've done. To roleplay more diligence, and try to find a different spot. A different approach. Arena isn't a good place to find roleplay. Unfortunately, most of interesting stuffs are locked behind guilds, cliques, and people are very prone to isolating their circle from the public. Because they have their own ideals. And their own concepts. And ...

Let be honest. I don't think this'll fix the roleplay problem.
You're gonna have to fix the community first.

I'm sorry for waste of time, but there you go. I have stuff all over the place- But hey. I'm never on point on these things. There won't be TLBig GrinR. Sorry.
[Image: XDo90hy.png]

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