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Guide to BIG DAMAGE - Damage Stacking
As a build off from this, for the mages out there.

Recently I've been toying around with high scaling damages myself, and I've noticed one that works pretty well as essentially an instagib, if you don't mind a little build up.

A player with a high luck stat, investment in the luck starsign with evoker can pull off an easy 1000+ damage on a character/mob with ~20 resistance or lower using an evoker/monk. Charge mind, ki awoken, high speed divine words and maxed overload (I use it with the spirit too, although that's just overkill) can really easily wipe the floor of anything without a lightning resistance. However, it takes a couple turns to set up.

Turn one, you'll pop charge mind, chances are you grabbed redgull from mage and auto-enchant, saving yourself a turn of setup overall.

Turn 2, high speed divine words/ki awoken all at once. 6MP, but you're ready.

Hopefully at this point your foe has been dumb enough to bumrush you, so get ready for nuking.

Come turn 3, you can now double invoke Overload, one to proc its invokation, the second to actually fire it.

It helps to have 60+ luck, and high cel for the turn order, to stop yourself being screwed too early by the opponent moving away. If that does happen however, just end your turn, hope you go first and blink next to them before firing, since blink doesn't stop you invoking, you can easily knock up between 500 and 1200 damage.

Cue the nerfcannon.
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[Image: mQMYHlv.png]

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