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The (Un)official Guard Criticism/Salt Thread
Do Guards even get any IC training? Cause if they don't they probably should. Just like any job, whether it'd be working at a Grocery Store or guarding some important monument, people are trained before being let out to fulfill whichever task they signed up to do.

I don't know, possibly that may be able to alleviate some of the blowing out of proportion/misinterpretation that GSM mentioned. I'd think it'd get people on the same page, cause I've seen Guards argue with differing opinions on how to handle a situation. Not to mention, it'd create more IC bonding between players who aren't naturally friends in OOC.

I have a friend who was in the guard, and when they joined, only one player (ICly/OOCly) gave them tips, and after that they were just let off on their own. If you're going to be put in charge of protecting people, there should at least be stricter training.

Another thing I wanted to mention was Guard activity... but Ryuzaki basically covered that.

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