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Many, many months after Domino Resonate came into being, I've come to realize something.

It's Nature Domain. Which allows it to be cast from Conduiz weapons. I don't know if other Sound based spells follow the same pattern of being attributed to the Nature Domain, but since Conduiz is really just meant to facilitate Lightning based spells, I don't see why this should also include Sound.

I can get the reasoning beyond lopping them into the same Domain, but this just makes Conduiz even more overpowering than it already is (and Domino Resonate is already an amazing spell to take even if you can't use a casting tool with it).

So I'd suggest moving Sound to the 'General' Domain instead (the only Sound spell that isn't something Spell Thieves exclusively take is Domino Resonate, so I don't know how many spells this applies to, honestly).

For all I know this isn't even intentional but if it is, it's preemptively in Balance Fu instead.

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