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Rangers Buffs Nerfs and QOL (as told by Kira)
QOL are by definition unnecessary changes that make player experience better QOL=quality of life

cherry is solid? then how am i standing in it? Needs bug fixing. it still also needs some kind of indicator of what it does

Raintrap ends's it's duration early if you use hand trigger there should be SOME compensation especially since it already applied soaked per turn i dunno maybe it applies it's total duration all at once? or applys it's debuff in a slightly larger area?

Then again i think hand trigger needs reworking in general gust traps are straight up better if you let an enemy walk into them

the heal and damage takes 9M to set up it doesn't really need a nerf

On reflections Possibly Nerf Thunderbolt Annorum drop the sound damage a bit. little too strong? no more then 50 points id say.

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