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Rangers Buffs Nerfs and QOL (as told by Kira)

Cherry Tree Buff needs an icon and maybe an range indicator
Expert's Aim tool tip should tell you that the Longdraw buff is REAPPLIED next turn
Androcobra give it an attack range indicator Ive been using it AND I STILL can't tell where it's going to fly.
Make Cherry Tree A valid target for forest walk
Give Rain Trap a "thing" a bonus or something for using hand trigger with it out?

Nest range increased to 11 Two reasons for this #1 Otherwise forest walks max range of 11 is kinda a waste of points #2 Forest Walk is kinda a joke when ranger has other mobility options all of them can be considered better TLDR Forest walk seems way too situational
Might not want to do this if you make cherry tree a viable forest walk target Also might want to put these buffs as extra levels on nest of nests

Forest Fiend Buff Annorum Damage increase per plant object burned give it a little love and this way using it is to obliterate people swarming your nest locations


Slight decrease to gentle garden's healing output

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