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Justified Super EXP
Legend Inks so we can complete that book to satisfy our OCDs for completion, and resetting statuses to try another build to fit their characters. That's all the end-game people want, and why we develop so many utensils to reach the LV60 as fast as possible even at the cost of trying to abuse as much and quietly on the new additions as they can, because hey, we already are 60 since 5 years ago, and over and over. I personally would like newer ways to get to 60. Not exactly 'easier and comfortable', but just something to break free from the repetitive chore it is to clear whole dungeons.

But the whole This is what Legend Extending does, and what we want the most, for no effort, it seems. If only the LV60 people had a better way to get Legend Inks. This makes me recall something we have but is not quite 'enough'. Black Blood quests that provide Legend Inks by defeating a specific amount of enemies of a race, or by doing something in specific. (Hell, giving a reason to kill Black Beasts was fun enough. BBs are the most comfortable enemies you can go against, because they actually bring RP, for being so much of a common issue in SL2, compared to monsters.)

I wish they could like, reset every IC month so you can do them again. And at the same time, more. There are more monster types, and even bosses we could use for those.

It's waaaaaaaay better to get Legend Inks by slashing and styling with your LV60 Demon Hunter in a horde of enemies that actually are challenging, than going on the tiring "LV1 to LV45, -wheeze-, LV45 to LV60, rise repeat redo respec fern pls grind mi qq", that we've been for like, 4-5 years now? With a quest on your PDA it helps soothe the pain, only because you know you're killing monsters for more than just EXP and LV60, but to actually achieve something.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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