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Absolute Fearless
Wind mages might want a bit of Ski but honestly? They can also screw that entirely, and rely a bit on sub effects like wind slasher. They can just go full dodgetank, they do a little less damage but thats entriely fine when they in turn get no damage themself. Plus points when you run Monk or Boxer as mainclass for even more dodge and damage reduction. But I guess both work, still max 6 stats. Even with Cel being heavily invested in, that still only means they can not really be hit by non autohits, autohits are reduced in their damage and thanks to Heron feather existance are immune to most silences in the game. And the last part is the issue.

Or mages not wanting any counters outside of MG and Hexer. Again. Kensei aren´t the only ones that can´t use a silence anymore.
There are ghosts with death gaze, nightflower users and I think Boxers aswell. not like silence didn´t have already the screamer, throatopeners or silentprayer cure.

Being immune to 75% of the silences we have for an accesory slot is a bit silly in my opinion.

Absolute fear is just kinda becoming absolutely useless as a skill, half of the time. We have talents to reduce the fear, hesitation it´s giving to a minimal amount and now the silence effect is also gone if you don´t happen to run Hexer with it? I can understand that AF needs a buff if this item stays like this, cause it became a worthless skill. This has noting to do with being stingy, but not wanting a situationally useful skill being suddenly overall useless. Or do you want to tell me that AF is a good skill now that you would run on your Kensei? (unless Hexer maybe, it´s useful in this specific combi I guess)

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