11-21-2017, 03:32 AM
"Chaos" Wrote:"Spoops" Wrote:That's a hefty frostbite level for a 1m skill, I think evoker should have its own merits with Verglas so I think it should just be lowered a little bit.The only thing this skill has over Intensify Cold is the momentum cost, not even counting the generous Ice ATK boost Evoker will grant Verglas in order to make IC cause frostbite. A snowball will go nowhere towards throwing Evoker's merits to Verglas out the window; otherwise, Yuki-onna would've dethroned Intensify Cold ages ago.
The only lowering this skill needs is the Ice ATK scaling. A 1m Frostbite enabler shouldn't be going more than 50% of your elemental ATK, considering that the same class can wreck the opponent's ice resistance easily. Otherwise, I have absolutely no problem with Verglas getting this skill.
I should be more specific, I think its clearly evident that intensify cold's frostbite level doesn't have anything holding a candle to it atm, I'm more so talking about Famiuga, which only has frostbite level 10 at max rank, maybe this is a bit too low for Famiuga itself sure but I sure don't want a 1m skill outscaling the frostbite level of a 3m skill.
1m damaging skills are super potent, I don't think they should be taken lightly without super low damage tied to them, splash can hit fairly hard just by itself on top of the soaked utility, lvl 25 frostbite for a 1m ice tap that scales from the higher scaling weapons in the game (fists) and cant be silenced, nor can you resist it after a certain point because of winter's bite, and because winter's bite makes you take more ice damage from certain attacks you can justify rank*3 I think, because lvl 15 frostbite is not causing 100-150 damage just because you got pulled by forced move or pushed by cold front.
And perhaps buff famiuga frostbite later.