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Screamer self damage
Narcus is one of four elemental swords

Water, Light, Dark, Fire.

Water's effect reduces every damage instance you take by 5-7.
Light lets you see stats, but not too many stats because that's OP
Dark lets you avoid traps, as if you were under the effects of Flight, but doesn't ignore forced movement into them.
Narcus gives you shittons of free damage for an enemy hitting you, allowing you to redirect the damage you took into a paintrain for your enemy.

See the difference?

Narcus needs to be lowered in just what-the-hell it can do, or the other 3 elemental blades need to be turned up in just what they can do to put them more in line with the bullshit that is Narcus.

Screamer isn't the issue here (as it does provide a very realistic drawback, which is "OH NO, MY ENEMY IS USING A RED LETTER. NOW I HEAL THEM EVERY TIME I HIT THEM).

Narcus + Screamer Offhand = Red Letter wins
Narcus + Nihilist = Fuck you thats why.

Let's move to the more pertinent issue that is "Narcus is one of the best weapons in the game and with great scaling, also gets the ability to be two-handed and dish out a shitton of damage to your enemy."

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