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The lightning hits for a fatal blow!
I only have two problems with lightning criticals, and those are:

1- Conduiz
2- Lightning Badge

Conduiz and the Lightning Badge should be the ones to use 50% of your Critical Damage when critically hitting, instead of 100%. Tomes have no reason to be punished for it, but the alternative ways to abuse lightning? Hell yes.

I do think being enchanted with Redgull is what balances the tremendous power of the enchant, since it can be easily stolen, nulled or Filcherbirb spammed and the enemy will need to waste more Momentum to re-cast it, or even be locked of re-enchanting if silenced and nulled, rendering the enemy mage dangling as useless as a doriad's- Ehem.

As for Overload, remove Overload's 'critical hit' and change it to a longer Interference (8 rounds like Interference Shell) it may make it slightly less overkill and give it a better utility.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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