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[Board] Caccia Rossa Now Hiring
Caccia Rossa

An advertisement of an organization with a peculiar symbol, lined red with a black background, appears to have made its way onto the notice board.

[Image: 3111.jpg]

In big and fanciful letters at the top, in Common, Alstalsian, Chataran, and Onigan writing, the name "Caccia Rossa" is scrawled to head the paper.

There is writing underneath the large branding...

To those interested in glory, thrills, danger, and a taste of Alstalsian beast slaying, the Caccia Rossa are now open. But who exactly are we?

We are an Alstalsian group of monster hunters, native to the wondrous lands and dangerous hunts. Having departed from Alstalsia recently to take base in Sigrogana, we seek your aid and skills in hunting and fighting, clearing Black Door Phenomena for those unable to fight. Pay is appropriate to one's work.

If a job such as this interests you, do not hesitate to contact us.

-Odin of Redgate (Founder)
-Jaque of Redgate (Co-Founder)
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[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

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