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[Kind Of NSFW?] Banned for linking to explicit aboriculture?
Ah. That makes much more sense now : Thanks for the elaboration.
It wasn't -Necessarily- a brag, More or less an in-joke between a few people I wasn't sure if they were online.
It should be noted that the second time was in reference where I just copied the rod was shaking message from fishing, And responding to everyone in ooc with it before someone threatened to skin me alive- So I ceased. Honestly, I shouldnt have used the word "Ban-able"- But Ive been banned for way-dumber things in other byond games.
Honestly, With the way I worded it I accept the ban : It was heavily misleading.
But for clarity: I didn't expect a semi graphic image of oddly formed trees shouldn't be deserving of a ban in its own right; Maybe Its in the rules somewhere but for the life of me I cant see it requiring any more of a spoiler than the link its self.

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