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Autohit Design
As a disclaimer, sorry if this comes off as preachy.

So, for as long as I can remember, the game has never quite been balanced when it comes to autohits/basic attacks and evade/defense. Your basic attack deals 100% SWA and a crit deals, on average, 150% SWA. Then your autohits deal something in the ballpark of 130% SWA, usually with an effect.

This means that, unless you're packing Fleur to get an extra attack per turn, your best bet is to only use autohits. They deal more damage than non-crit basic attacks, don't need to worry about accuracy, and usually come with extra effects, whether they be AoE, more damage, or a debuff. Ignoring accuracy stats then lets you increase your defense or damage.

With nearly every class having access to autohits, this means that evade isn't worth building. Even with Evasion, you'll still be taking just as much damage, if not more, than someone who built tank stats, and generally you'll be doing less damage and/or have less health because you need to increase your dodge stats much higher than tank stats to make them effective; low amounts of dodge does nothing, low amounts of defense/resistance will always decrease the damage you take.

Before adjusting the amounts of physical/magical resistance, accuracy, and evade given by stats, I think it would be better to revise the design of autohits in the game. In nearly every other game I've played, attacks follow the formula that powerful moves are easier to evade while less damaging moves are easier to hit with. And, of course, attacks with extra effects are more expensive, less powerful, or have some sort of limitation.

So to balance the game in that sense, let's make skills no longer automatically hit, for starters, and normalize their FP cost. Dealing more damage, having an effect, having long range, having an AoE, and autohitting or having increased accuracy will increase the FP cost. Having a cooldown, dealing less damage, being short range, being single target, and having an accuracy check or reduced accuracy will reduce the FP cost. And then you pick different parts out of the balancing pool to ensure a move is balanced while making the different skills more unique. So you can have moves that, say:

Deal lots of damage for a moderate cost, requiring a hit check with lower accuracy

Deal lots of damage and a debuff for a high cost with a long cooldown and low range

Deal moderate damage for a moderate cost, requiring a hit check with increased accuracy

Deal moderate damage for a high cost, but automatically hit

Deal moderate damage for a higher cost, in an AoE, requiring a hit check, with a low cooldown.

Deal low damage, but autohit and long range.

Deal low damage, but with an effect and and increase accuracy.

Deal lower damage, but autohit and in an AoE.

So then, even if you have someone spamming autohits or increased damage/increase accuracy skills, the relatively lower damage will act as your defense. Then those without evasive stats will be eating more powerful hits. Balance.

(also i forgot to mention that liches, dullahans, and the lucky amulet exist. which make critical builds riskier to play, as you might be doing less damage or no damage at all.)

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