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Buggy Plants
[Image: ed301d3530.png]

These plants were planted prior to a reboot. (Yama blind)

After said reboot, I was waiting for them to reach maturity to harvest and start a new set.

Then they just uh... sort of.. disappeared upon reaching maturity and the tile says "Farm Soil" instead of Farm Soil (Yama Blind Seeds)

Edit: They did just up and fuckin destroy themselves somehow. I tried using the SPECIAL TOOL on them and it says that there is no seed planted there. Will wait for the other set to get done.

Edit 2: The other plants disappeared. I could replant and have done so. I've been able to harvest as-normal. Another reboot is coming up, so let's see what happens then.

Edit 3: Literally as I was typing Edit 2; my plants just up and deleted themselves again. Is there a % chance for all crop soils to just.. mysteriously not yield anything and instead just delete themselves?

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