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Positioning Idea
"Rendar" Wrote:Since they give +5~ or so movement (and are what makes actually running away from said classes near impossible since you can double move for 7m, or they can shukuchi/charge + move for 4 M and still hit your ass.

This is a thread about positioning, not about movement overall. I'm sure looking at movement itself again some day would be a good idea, but I can't even tell what point you're trying to make other than "some classes can move better than others". If you lower the movement they give you, moving around the map becomes even more than a pain than it is right now. The only way that would be acceptable (to me, and to be fair I've been wrong before) would be if the map size was lowered overall, and then we'd just be back at square one.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]

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