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Gun Smithing Upgrades
Yes, that I understand when it comes to things like basic attacks, but the thing I am talking about is that a skill that is using the full weapon damage for a single hit (Ergo, the Volcanic Seed enchant on a weapon), isn't using said full power. It's only using the damage that the weapon itself has, plus weapon parts, quality upgrades, and material, but doesn't take into account the blacksmith upgrades. (It's only a single hit, instead of damaging several times like a basic attack, after all)

With full weapon damage, I just mean the power that the weapon itself has, without any scaled damage from your stats and all. Like when I mentioned earlier that the gun had 13 power ( 5 Base + 2 from a Short Barrel +1 from Piercing bullets, and + 5 from Blacksmith Upgrades), but it only was doing 8 damage in turn. (Unresistable Fire damage that, according to the enchant, is = to the weapons power )

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