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Bad Bots
About the movement, even if they do get a Jetpack. The Engineer will just be wasting more FP and Momentum for nothing, because they can't take three hits and they're reduced to a pile of scrap. And while wasting this Momentum, the enemy can just opt to charge at the Engineer while they're extremely vulnerable trying to upgrade their bots and kill them, just to kick the bot down and 'bang', ''insta-win GG engineer class is OP nerf''.

It is quite frustrating seeing every single one of your actions as an Engineer ending up as a way to make your enemy laugh in different tones, just what are Engineers supposed to be anymore? Item Belt nerfed, Bots changed but weaker than before, insane FP costs for zero damage unlike Boxer... Eesh.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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