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Ether Winvitation
Seeing that it's nearly impossible to filter out the white noise in this thread by now, I'll leave a final comment and be on my way.

Hit vs Dodge is tipped heavily in the accuracy stacker's favor, and being hit with a single EI as a dodge build will likely kill you outright. 75 damage/rank is a band-aid fix, but there's nothing wrong with implementing one while everyone sits on a better solution. My personal vote still lies in the dynamic scaling Chaos suggested very early on in the thread, where the damage cap is scaled based on your missing % hp. (Example: 500 damage at 15% health or less, 100 damage at 80% or higher, etc) Static missing health gifts the most effective use of this skill to full tanks, who can use EI more and survive some EI's themselves.

Throw something at the wall and see what sticks, even without Ether Invitation Ghosts often outclass their Kensei counterpart with nothing but Wraithguard and Rising Game.

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