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Geist Schritt vs AoEs
The problem with Geist isn't the movement, it's the negation. It's currently the best set of tanking skills the game has, and people can use Boxer solely for defense.

People have cried about Dodge and Evasion being too strong because they used to offer too much negation, and Geist is worse. If you use autohits, you spam the one you can use without being negated, if you can. If you rely on basic attacks, you're SOL. And if you play the guessing game, they may get to negate your attack, move in, and ramp up their damage for free. Even if they fail, they've still closed the gap slightly.

I suggest turning the negation into 40% DR, halved if boxer isn't main class. I also suggest compiling a list of AoEs that Geist shouldn't affect.

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