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A gigantic thread in an attempt to revise Youkai.
Ideas for a Youkai revamp. We lower the scaling on their offensive skills to 200% but in return give them more utility to make them feel more like
they have their own identities as well as allowing Bonder AND Grand Summoner to allow them to naturally have 7 momentum. In doing this this we
will also limit youkai summoning to only a single youkai per round. Also granting power to Summon storm as now it's more valuable to get six
youkai out at once rather than spend 6 rounds summoning compared to the original 3 rounds. This will also draw some power away from Fast Offense being so destructively strong.

I know this idea isn't perfect, and some numbers may be odd but this is simply a rough draft. Ideas, feedback, and polite criticism is welcome, but just be civil about it.


-Byakko: Basic attack stat scale 90% str 30% luc. Damage type:Slash.
Lvl 60 stats:
Str 45
Wil 25
Ski 40
Cel 45
Def 15
Res 15
Vit 30
luc 45
Fai 5
Gui 35
San 30
Apt 0

-Seal of the West:The owner of this passive skill gains additional strength and Luck dependant on their position relative to the western wall of the battlefeild: West wall bonus +10. minus 1 per tile away from west wall down to 0 minimum. (The Summoner only gains +3)

-Tough CoatSadcannot be evoked unless installed) The gaurdian of the west is used to the pains of battle, yet has an aversion to water. Gains a 20% slash resistance but has a 35% water weakness.

-Primary skill: Thunder Claw: Reaches out with a thunderous claw to strike an enemy within two range for physical lightning damage using the users lightning attack.

-Secondary Skill: Roar: (cannot be evoked unless installed)(3 round cooldown) Releases a mighty roar within three range that increases the users strength by Byakko's level/10 for 3 rounds and deals physical sound damage equal to 360% of the users sound attack with a chance to fear based on the users status infliction chance.

Base move: 6 Tiles.

-Kilkenny: Basic attack stat scale 90% str 30% fai. Damage type: Slash
Lvl 60 stats:
Str 45
Wil 30
Ski 40
Cel 45
Def 15
Res 20
Vit 35
Luc 40
Fai 35
Gui 30
San 5
Apt 0

-Beast Hater:As a vicious creature that has a disdain for others of its own kind, the owner of this skill gains an additional 5% damage dealt to all Beast and Kaelensian race enemies.

-Tough FurSadcannot be evoked unless installed)Kilkenny has naturally adjusted to battle with other clawed beasts. Gains 25% slash resistance and a 25% water weakness.

-Etherial woundsSadCannot be evoked unless installed)basic attacks from the owner of this skill steal FP = to Kilkenny's level/6, critical hits double this. (minimum:1)

-Cats ClawBig Grineals Magical Slash damage to a single target in 6 range using the users Light attack and steals Fp equal to Kilkenny level/4.

Base move: 6 Tiles.

-Firefox:Basic attack stat scale 120% Str Damage type: Fire
Lvl 60 Stats:
Str 45
Wil 20
Ski 40
Cel 45
Def 15
Res 25
Vit 30
Luc 40
Fai 5
Gui 30
San 5
Apt 0

-FirefallBig Grinuring movement this unit leaves behind cinder tiles that deal physical fire damage equal to Firefox level/6

-FirebodySadcannot be evoked unless installed) Absorbs fire damage. 50% Water weakness.

-Flaming clawsSadCannot be evoked unless installed)Basic attacks from this unit have a chance to inflict burn Lvl (half of Firefox level) for 2 + (1 per 30 firefox levels) rounds with the chance based on the users status infliction chance.

-Will o' Wisp: Summons a wisp within 1 range that will head for the nearest target and attempt to detonate at the start of a round when within one range for Twice firefox's level fire physical damage that ignores Fire Absorbtion.

Base Move: 6 Tiles.


Basic attack stat scale: 50% Wil 50% Str 30% Luc Damage Type: Blunt
Lvl 60 Stats:
Str 30
Wil 40
Ski 25
Cel 35
Def 20
Res 20
Vit 30
Luc 30
Fai 5
Gui 40
San 5
Apt 0

-Positive Thinker: Due to an air of naievity, the owner of this skill gains 10% darkness resistance

-Lucky BreakSadCannot be evoked unless installed) The carbuncle is a well of good luck. There is a chance based on half the carbuncles luck that critical hits will become vorpal strikes.

-777: (Cannot be evoked unless installed) Should the summoner own 7 youkai contracts including the carbuncle, the carbuncle gains + 7 to all stats excluding Aptitude and Sanctity. (this effect applies to the summoner but only gives +3)


-Primary Ability: Ruby Beam: Deals magical earth damage to a single target in 5 range using the users earth attack with a chance to blind based

on status infliction chance.

-Secondary AbilitySadCannot be evoked unless installed) Coin Flip (3 round cooldown): Flips a coin to decide an enemy's fate. HeadsConfusedteals luck from the target equal to Carbuncle's level / 6 (or until the target hits 0 luck) for 3 rounds. Tails: Casts Ryemei on the target that's guaranteed to crit.

Base move: 5 Tiles.

-Phase Python:
Basic attack stat scale: 80% Str 40% Luc Damage type: Pierce
Lvl 60 stats:
Str 30
Wil 20
Ski 40
Cel 50
Def 5
Res 15
Vit 25
Luc 40
Fai 0
Gui 40
San 0
Apt 0

-Vile Mastery: Phase Python gains a resistance to poison equal to 30% + level. The summoner only gains 30%

-Etheral SpeedSadCannot be Evoked.) Phase Python gains additional evade equal to level and a 50% chance to gain a version of evasion with a level of 30 upon being hit by an attack that does not use a hit check.


-Primary Skill: Phase Fang:performs a basic attack that deals additional damage equal to half of Phase Pythons level with a chance to poison with a level equal to Half Phase Python's level equal to the users status infliction chance. And if the user is in the tile the target is facing they teleport back to the tile they began the round on, if behind them they will teleport behind another target at random if there are any. The poison chance is increased by 50% if directly behind the target.

-Secondary Skill (Cannot be evoked unless installed) Slither Mastery: This skill has a passive and active component. Passive:Owners movement

becomes teleport. Active: Instantly removes all movement impairing effects on the owner of this skill.

Base Move: 6 Tiles.

-Sazae Oni:
Basic Attack stat scale: 80% str 40% ski Damage Type:pierce
Lvl 60 stats:
Str 20
Wil 25
Ski 35
Cel 15
Def 25
Res 25
Vit 45
Luc 20
Fai 0
Gui 50
San 0
Apt 0

-Painful Accuracy:Incredibly accurate and knows how to strike sensitive areas. Gains an additional Sazae Oni level/3 damage for kick and kick skills. Sazae Oni gains additional critical equal to its level.

-Sea farer(Cannot be evoked unless installed.): As a wanderer of the sea and an illusionist, Sazae Oni is immune to water damage and has 25% wind resistance, but has a 40% earth weakness.

-Whirlpool: Deals magical water damage in a 3 range circle around the user using the users water attack that draws all enemies hit 1 tile towards them.

Base Move: 4 Tiles.

Basic attack scaling 80% Str 40% Def Damage Type: Earth

Lvl 60 stats:
Str 40
Wil 30
Ski 30
Cel 30
Def 40
Res 15
Vit 30
Luc 20
Fai 0
Gui 25
San 10
Apt 0

-Skitterscale: Covered in light carapace Terrasque gains 10 armor and 10 evade.

-RegrowthSadCannot be evoked unless installed)A powerful regeneration. Terrasque regains 2 hp per round, doubled when below 50% hp. If installed this regeneration is cut in half.

-Shatter Beam: Fires a beam from its chest that reduces enemy Defense and Resistance by 2 + (Terrasque level/5) for 3 rounds and deals earth physical damage using the users earth attack.

Base Move: 5 Tiles.


Basic attack scaling 80% str 40% Luc Damage Type: Blunt

Lvl 60 stats:
Str 45
Wil 20
Ski 40
Cel 30
Def 20
Res 20
Vit 25
Luc 35
Fai 0
Gui 35
San 0
Apt 0

-Nightshade:Grants the owner of this skill an additional +5 to strength, skill and Celerity at night (hours 18 - 6.) (only +2 for the summoner)

-Bipolar CharmSadCannot be evoked unless installed) Gains 15 critical and 25 hit v.s. charmed targets.


-Primary skill:Wink:A charming spell with a wink, targets an enemy within 1 range and has a chance to charm them based on their level compared to Lilu: >5 levels of Lilu: Will always fail. Within 5 levels of Lilu: Has a chance based on status infliction chance.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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