05-15-2017, 06:35 PM
"GSM" Wrote:10) Finally, can attacks like Vegito's/Salza's/Goku Black's/Zamasu's ki blades be replicated?
"Neus" Wrote:10) There was going to be a new skill similar to Vegito's Spirit Sword when I updated Monk a while back, but I never did add it. That is to say that I would say, yes, it wouldn't be a huge stretch in my mind.
Above is from the April lore questions.
Why not add this skill in? We have a severe issue of Setting Sun/Dense Thunder/Sky Chariot spam and favoritism, so why not give Monk this cool new attack?
Besides, this could be considered a Ki-consuming Spell (or a regular skill, I don't mind) that does magical Slash damage based on SWA, and magical Light damage based on elemental attack?
[strike]Besides, Kadouha sucks if you aren't a Faith build, which no self-respecting Monk would ever be.[/strike]