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Gun Reload Speed
I like the concept of guns having a reload stat, especially if they're balanced around the fact. I'm not sure what buffs they could receive to compensate that wouldn't be overbearing, especially if skills used with them circumvent the need, but I like the idea.

I feel like the M cost of it shouldn't be more than 1, considering builds that exclusively use guns for their attacks would be heavily gimped by losing any more than that to continue being able to fight, lest they incorporate another means of fighting into their setup. Hard to say how badly they'd suffer without knowing what they'd get in return, but losing actions is devastating, so whatever it is would need to be worth the M dumped into the shot and reload.

Depending on how its implemented (see: always require a reload if a basic attack is made) Riposte might need to get changed for guns to either not work or actually scale properly.

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