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Goodbye, Perhaps
Well, take your time and enjoy it, Sawrock! Like I always say to everybody. Sigrogana Legends 2 is no 'rising' game where you have infinite things to do or the immersion is great enough to make you want stick around forever, and what actually makes you want to stick around forever is nothing but sheer addiction. I might understand why you're skidaddling and I can't say otherwise, or else I would be inviting you for more torture.

I expect it being mostly the stale roleplay system, that is too 'player dependent' and 'slice of life' with zero consequences for any actions, and the players never cooperate to help thus making Sigrogana a terrible place to have some freedom to do new things out of blue, or even start conflicts.
Whoever has anything to offer gets sucked off almost instantly due to how stale things are nowadays and how desperate people are for innovations, so much that it feels like everything strangles you. Using 'villains' as an example.

You make a villain char, it gets butchered the first second they're seen because the world is composed of Batmans, 'good Samaritans' and white knights to no end. "HAH, but Koonie, Villains need to be more secretive and you have Law's End for it."

Well, okay. So better not make a villain I guess. Who the FUCK would want to drop their slice of life ERP sessions to be murdered? Who the fuuuck wants to lose their 'oh so loved' main character to a cheesy villain? And in the end, what this selfish mentality of the community is contributing to? Yep, staleness.

Something not even Dev can solve since this is the problem of a long-term RP game with 'too many good goyims'. The Guard force being uber oppressive is also another bad thing, they could of be limited to GM only, though 4 GMs (3 now, if not 2, since Slydria only logs in to enforce stuff when people call him.) can't handle the stress as they're not damned NPCs.

You moonwalking out of this madness we dare to call 'game' is actually doing better for your mental health than you expect, though yeah, I'll miss the only GM who did effort to make people smile or crack out in a good laugh, with his funny NPCs and unusual events. And actual charismatic characters who tried their best to put some motion in Sigrogana Legends 2. (And as the legendary player who actually killed their character Bloeden for the sake of roleplaying. This, was the best heroic act you could ever do.)

Ta-ta, Sawie! Rest well, I'll miss you but this ain't no plead for you to come back so no worries. Mayhaps, like you did, when you come back, this game will be a bit different. Or dead like SL1. Who knows? It's a future nobody can predict.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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