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Critting Blackknights seems wrong...
Welp, here's the issue I came across. I'm over invested in skill and luck as an agile machination up against a blackknight with no other crit evade then the classes passive one. I however, am literally incapable of critting them, or nearly. My crit chance came out to 5% against them in the most optimal situation. I don't have a bow specifically for critting, per say. But this seems ridiculous when the entire point of this build is to crit, and one passive from a class negates their existence. Pretty sure I have no chance to crit faith builds reguardless. Bleached fang also likely just negates my existence because crit evade bonus. Says I have a 99% crit chance with this bowgun, which is really bad for a crit build sure. But really being unable to crit someone cause of one boost when that's your gimmick is disgusting.

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