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Sell Your Soul [Haunted Soul]
Haunted Soul, since the release of the haunted manor has been on a steady rise among the PvP scene. And why not? It's a deceptively good curse to stuff onto your weapons. It counts as Doomed for the sake of Sayakana, applies at the very least -15 to hit through the application of Fear if you have the bravery talents and twice that if you don't.

It has synergies with both Black Knight, Ghost and melee Hexers, allowing them all a free application of the status effect, Black Knight of all benefiting the most out of everyone. It's also the most easily achieved curse in the entire game, bar the arena-bought catalysts.

And what's the price for your soul? Nothing. At all.

I suggest we make Haunted Soul give the 'Possessed' racial type in terms of drawback. It's certainly strong enough to warrant it.

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