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Ether Winvitation
In light of recent discussions about changing skills, weapons, and elemental attacks that scale off of defensive stats, I don't think it's unreasonable to include EI in that list. Missing health is, for all intents and purposes, tank-stat dependent. There was a massive chain of discussion about it in an earlier thread, so this is a continuation of that to suggest reworking the skill entirely. I'd like to know Dev's opinion on the skill as a whole, since having a framework for reworking things helps immensely.

Since submitting this thread without any sort of starting point would be counterproductive, I'll throw out an idea to get the ball rolling.

Ether Invitation

Cooldown: 3 Turns

An invitation to the underworld. The target of this skill must be marked with Claret Call. This attacks the target normally with a bonus to critical equal to Rank*10. If it hits, the damage dealt is increased by a percentage based on your missing health. Claret Call is then removed from the target, and the target cannot be marked again for 3 rounds. The damage bonus is capped at Rank*20%.

The damage bonus is equal to (%missing health *1.6). This means in order for the attack to reach the damage cap at Rank 5, the Ghost needs to be at or below 37.5% HP. At that health threshold, it becomes an attack with +50 to crit, and double damage.

With missing health changing from static to percentage, as well as damage being tied to normal attack damage, the skill doesn't incentivize building straight tank as heavily anymore. However, it's still useful to those who invest in defense, because people with 500 health and paper rags for armor don't often live to see 35% HP. Also worth noting, the duration of unmarkable was extended by a turn and the skill itself was given a cooldown. The latter was done to remove the possibility of using Ether Invitation multiple times on multiple targets in the span of one or two turns.

Some identifiable issues with this iteration, however, are:
-Excel weapons with +50 crit and +100% Damage.
-Build locked to crit builds, for the most part. (There exists very few basic attack builds that aren't crit builds, but given duelist focuses on them, I find this acceptable.)
-Dicks over squishy people far more than tanks, because damage reduction is all percentage based. This is also inevitable, unless the game starts revolving around using skills that do a percent of the target's maximum HP. That would be unbalanced in the entirely other direction, so this is also something that can be expected. The silver lining is that Ether Invitation can be dodged.

Whether or not you agree with what I came up with, keep in mind this thread is for the skill as a whole, not my iteration of the ability in specific.

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