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Hexers too OP, pls nerf. [Fellel's Fumble/Pilfa's Masochism needs cooldown]
If you're doing party battles, couldn't an autohitter just take on the fumbles for the team? The 1v4 situation seems a little unrealistic and if none of them have any autohits or way to stop the hexer hexing that's kind of their own problem.

That being said, Masochism seems fine but Fumble really is rather spammable for what it is. Rather than slapping cooldowns on everything, maybe increase the FP cost and make it a LV-based hit penalty instead? Something nasty enough so that it's a big deal for people who don't focus accuracy but not so bad that people who build nothing BUT accuracy start missing 10-CEL tanks. Still levelling-down on misses, of course.

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