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[Query] (Reputation Bug?) More Popular Than Mercala?
Your reputation with Lispool has increased from 98.05 to 100.78.
OOC Damycles3: And is also the highest diety in the entire pantheon, above the other two major major dieties.
OOC Blissey: Your reputation with Lispool has increased from 98.05 to 100.78. uhm
OOC Yoren: I remember something about a "cycle"
OOC Blissey: i uh
OOC Blissey: i went over 100

OOC Luxerion the Second: Bliss, I swear to Mercala
OOC InquisitorJohn: mercala is that you
OOC Ushiromiya Battler: what, were you planning on stopping there?
OOC Luxerion the Second: Don't tell me that you're going for 200
OOC Blissey: fuck let me make sure this isn't totally bugged
OOC InquisitorJohn: blissey has ascended
Gained 15000 Murai.
Lost 18000 Murai.
Your reputation with Lispool has increased from 100.78 to 102.58.

Uhm. . . Is this intended? :?:

Note: it's flat 100 on the reputation screen, so I'm sure this isn't intended.
Note 2: so my character is an elf, so this is probably due to the cap being 110 instead of 100. . . at least in the system. just want to make sure this is true.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)

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