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But it's not my fault! [Strangling Etacof + Silence vs Fellel's Fumble]
When (Ally Hexer) uses Strangling Etacof in (Enemy Hexer) whose Silence has been inflicted by (Ally Kensei), the Silence doesn't change it's owner, making so that (Enemy Hexer)'s Fellel's Fumble or Pilfa's Masochism treat the (Ally Kensei) who first inflicted Silence as the owner of (Ally Hexer)'s Strangling Etacof.

This sounds like a bug, because Strangling Etacof refreshes the Silence's duration on the target, why wouldn't it refresh the causer?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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