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Hit vs Evade Bonus Fu
Galren: Although I could only see a real argument being for the mages who build partly on hit-reliant attacks and spells (outside of instances that force a Hit proc like Cobra/Evasion) I could still see merit to nerfing it.
x of Eyes: Blind would be an excellent counter for these.
Focused Mind + Gun Shells: Yes to Sly.
Flanking (Dev's idea): Agreed with Soapy, it seems fine enough.

Flatfoot: If we're changing this from a % that scales with the target's Dodge to a flat % debuff, I think it could be slightly stronger than -20 (maybe -25, for any reference to future post I wouldn't put it any higher than -30 - which would be a bit much).

Fortune Wind: Definitely in need a nerf in some form (,from what I remember, at least).
Distortion: As mentioned in earlier threads of the Dodge;Hit wars, one of the most viable ways to evade right now is to be a ST; if we're nerfing hit bonuses it would be dunce-level to ignore Distortion. Agreed with Sly.
Protection from Arrows: If we're really nerfing this, I think it would be better to reduce the stacking it allows (like you said, it's only an issue when paired with Unarmored Prowess, which having both at +5 - which is a fairly heavy investment at 10/35 SP). Maybe tacking it from +8 per rank to +5 per rank -if- you have Unarmored Prowess as well. We should also mention the Innate Hit Buffs Archer gets (as well of any others I can't think of atm) since you left those out of this thread, which given their naturally good hit chance in most builds could probably be lowered (yes, the numbers seem small but they add up in my opinion to where they're enough to matter).
Green-Scale Tunic: For the love of YES please yes, nerf this.

Blind: I don't think this needs to be hit as hard as you think, maybe somewhat of a decrease but not that drastic. The suggested nerfs would make it only useful to force people out of the Eyes-equipments' proposed nerf and Cobra (and the status itself would do next-to-nothing in Hit Vs. Evade directly). I think it's fine enough as-is with Blind-Fighting halfing it and other Dodge factors getting hit (maybe up Blind Fighting to removing 60 out of the debuff instead of 50).
Smokescreen: I could see Sly's proposal having some merit. Not enough to force an auto-yes from me but it'd be something to toy with.
Yomidori: Agreed with Sly, this should only trigger when damage is dealt.
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