12-22-2016, 01:25 AM
I can easily see this working like Grandupper since that's something Dev shown us he can do, the 'remove from battle for X, followed by the 'judgement' damage', but in a more amazing way.
But yes, it would be neat to have this looked at, both thematically and mechanically. (Never forget that Enma's Summons is thematically correct to be used in PvE, you're tossing the garbage away, but what about PvP and IC wise? It brings a lot of logic complications.)
But yes, it would be neat to have this looked at, both thematically and mechanically. (Never forget that Enma's Summons is thematically correct to be used in PvE, you're tossing the garbage away, but what about PvP and IC wise? It brings a lot of logic complications.)