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Modernizing Enma's
Enma's Summons really needs to see a shift to Great Reckoning scaling. There are very few abilities in existence that do less damage than Enma's, which is a map wide 100 damage execute for 9 momentum and 50-70 FP. I won't throw out number suggestions because I feel it'd be better for Dev to pick something that makes sense, but changing the damage type to Akashic and having it interact with %health are popular suggestions.

Just to make sure I'm not being vague, Enma's Summons has the following issues:

- Huge momentum investment.
- High FP cost.
- Low damage.
- One of the most resisted damage types in the game.

Even before the GR, when health pools weren't as massive as they are now, this skill was not good. It has not aged well, and really needs some love.

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